Tuesday, April 12, 2005


"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players".When the time of the most common expression for human philosophy comes in one's mind,erupts this message out of sudden and nowhere.However,the ease,with which this statements devise all our actions a mere play,may offend many people who feel they are serious enough for everything in life..take for example,'Romance'..In terms of Oscar Wilde,"Romance is the privilege of rich,not the profession of unemployed".And a lot many times has it happened,that all those who feel they are in love and they are romancing these days should oppose it.For them,love has nothing to do with money.
However,it's money which has everything to do with romance,if not love.From purchasing leisure for romance to paying for accomodation for romance.From feeding the lovers to nurturing them throughout the time and beyond.And yet,why no one comes up with this truth that yes,"Romance needs more of heart and less of money." But then my dear friends,the crux of this is just a part of the complete story.How many of us really do indulge in romance with the sense of attaining freedom of thought and mind?Everyone loves freedom and wants to enjoy it.But on the price of their inmates.So,things like Love-marriage is truly baseless as it no-doubt curbs the freedom of romancing as many poeple u like.
In breif,we romance with those whom we like.Now the sense of freedom should encourage us to go for romancing with all those whom we like,beyond the boundaries of age bars,caste bars and sex bars!And certainly then,there should be a number of them..(I gues romancing with three different people a day can engage one's knowledge of all the people whom he or she knows and love to romance with)... The most important question arises,is that of affording so many romantic stories!!nothing comes free,nor does romance!Therefore,the concept of romance,which says its enjoying ur freedom fails here because u r following some constraints of number to fulfill the conditions for the freedom of romance.
This is still affordable with some,maybe but that means the poor should never think about it.Well then,the most contradictory question comes out of this romance thing is the concept of marriage post-romance.Does it require to get married with someone with whom u r romancing with?If yes,then how many people will u marry.
This all may sound kind of self-generated story of absurdity but my dear friends,I would recommend u to ask ur romancing partners,what do they think about you when they think over post-romance session?Do they allow you to go for more than one romance experiences than one with you?if not,then why not?Aren't you both are free to enjoy your freedom of thought and taste and expression.You seek happiness and you find it with someone and then you go along with him/her.What in case u find someone more people 'at par' with your thoughts?Whats wrong in romancing them??
Come out of this fundamental of commitment towards one person..You are free for everything.Don't bind yourself to the clutches of your romantic partner.
I know this blog,when read by many will invite unprecedented and hating remarks but who cares.You will understand if I'll bring you some of the success stories about such ideas of romantic freedom minus the commitment.So,whatever you think before commenting here,Just think once.

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